The secret of getting ahead is getting started – Mark Twain

Hello! I’m Aruna Gobalan (pronounced Go-bah-lun). As I navigate through midlife, questions of purpose, balance and mortality abound. I have tried to explore answers to some of these questions through projects of my own and observing others on such journeys. I have gained a few deep insights along the way. My personal growth journey has been inspired by many and I seek to pass on that inspiration to many more through this blog. 

The focus of this blog is to find ways to nourish the three core areas of mind, body and soul through actionable insights on productivity, wellness and self.

Never underestimate the power to inspire or be inspired. This is how meaningful life changes happen.

If you find the content interesting and inspiring and would like to support, please pass along the website link to someone that may be interested. To get notified of updates please subscribe below. Thank you for being on this journey with me.

Does PARTABLY mean anything?

On this website I hope you’ll find not just sound life advice based on real-life experiences backed by science, but you’ll find a partner in helping you make progress towards your dreams and goals. In the age of short-everything, the word PARTABLY is my invented short-form for the rather mouthful, 8-syllabled 'Accountability Partner'.

Accountability breeds response-ability – Stephen Covey.

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